An evolving AI Platform for Democratising Access to SDG Information

A collaborative project bringing researchers, academics and policymakers from around the world together with the mission to open the floodgates on providing transparent and accessible information on SDG research, progress and achievements for everyone via LLMs & AI chatbots.
SDG #2
Caretaker of Food Security
SDG #4
Caretaker of Education
SDG #5
Caretaker of Empowerment
SDG #13
Caretaker of the Earth
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Our Mission

Our mission is to empower global progress towards realising the SDGs and increase accessibility, monitoring and collective action by leveraging the power and agility of artificial intelligence. 

About the Caretakers

The SDG Caretaker is an evolving, learning entity, to represent this it’s visual form is changed and shifts depending on the question or information theme represented by unique images based on an algorithm triggered with every question the Caretaker is asked. It cannot be defined by anything as it encompasses everything. - The Caretaker is representation of humanity, owned by no one but there for everyone - and that is why we need to all get involved and make it a truly collective and globally accessible project.

The Power of a Global Collective Consciousness for a Sustainable Future

Make SDG Research Truly Timely and Accessible Through LLMs

Bringing together timely data on the Sustainable Development Goals: the SDG Caretaker initiative takes it a step further from simply tracking, analysing and sharing actionable data. It can identify pain points, providing solutions with the ability to save stakeholders millions and effectively address challenges based on the most relevant data available within a matter of seconds.

Read Our Concept Note

We invite any interested stakeholders, collaborators and supporters to join this project. Collaboration is key to ensuring its success.
Read more

Join the movement

The world needs you, for this idea to become a reality we need people to get involved in any way they can. Please reach out and help up achieve our dream of accessibility for all and complete transparency in achieving a sustainable future.
SDG #2
Caretaker of Food Security
SDG #4
Caretaker of Education
SDG #5
Caretaker of Empowerment
SDG #13
Caretaker of the Earth
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SDG Caretakers
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